
Edward Epp painting EFP
Create a violence-free environment

“This is a unique project. It will teach how to create a violence-free environment, in homes and schools and in the country as a whole. ” ~The Senior Deputy High Representative, Ambassador Dr. Matei Hoffmann

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Unity-based Conflict Resoultion
Summit devoted to children

“On the occasion of the Summit devoted to the children, we recommend this program to all nations for consideration...” - Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations, May 2002

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Painting Edward Epp EFP
Changing the way we teach

“As a result of participating in the EFP project, my way of teaching has changed, my relationships with students has changed… all for the better.” ~Teacher, Secondary School, BiH (2001)

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EFP Training BiH
EFP provides a framework

“EFP provides a framework for achieving an advanced human society that is both practical and universal..."  ~Yolanda Cowan, Rotary World Peace Scholar

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