Conflict and Unity
We live in a conflicted world and quite often we experience conflict ourselves. In fact, conflict is so universally present that we take it for granted and consider conflict as an inevitable part of life. This approach to conflict has significant consequences; among them is the fact that by taking conflict for granted, our efforts to resolve it often fails and conflict turn into violence. There is, however, another way of understanding conflict—conflict as absence of unity.
Unity is the primary law of existence. Life takes place in the context of unity and when the law of unity is violated, conflict and violence is the outcome. Everything that exists is the outcome of the operation of the law of unity. At the physical level, the law of unity ensures order and stability in the manner in which subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, stars, and galaxies cohere and operate in a harmonious and integrated manner. At the biological level, the very process of formation and continuation of life is dependent on the proper operation of the law of unity. The same is true at the social level. Families are happy, healthy, and stable when unity exists between all its members. Communities of people prosper and are safe in the context of unity, and nations advance in every area when peace is present. At all levels of human life—intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and international—unity, not conflict, is the fundamental operative and creative force.
What is unity? Unity is a conscious and purposeful condition of convergence of two or more diverse entities in a state of harmony, integration, and cooperation to create a new and evolving entity or entities, usually, of a same or higher nature.
What is conflict? Conflict is, simply, the absence of unity.
To create peace we need to learn the ways of unity. (H.B. Danesh)