12 Week Online Courses with Leading Peace Educators

The Transcend Peace University TPU is an all-online university, currently headed by Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung. Their inter-disciplinary courses are designed to cover issues pertaining to peace and development studies. TPU seeks to promote trans-border, inter-disciplinary peace studies, and make them accessible to as wide a community as possible. For this, they have opted for an online format. Recently, corresponding tutorials and courses on-site can be attended at the associated Galtung-Institut in Germany (www.galtung-institut.de)

The Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice (G.I.) is a reflection of the program of TRANSCEND International and is the on-site carrier of the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) program, offering on-site tutorials on Conflict Transformation in Grenzach-Wyhlen in Germany.

The G.I. is a multilingual, independent research- resource- and study-center for peace founded in May 2011 by Prof. Galtung, his three assistants, two professors of peace and conflict studies, two former representatives of the U.N and a former representative of the Goethe-Institut. The G.I. is proud to be related to TRANSCEND International  the premier global network of specialists working for Peace, Development and Environment by peaceful, developmental and environmental means.

In the upcoming term, March 5th to May 25, 2012, the following courses are being offered:

Advanced Conflict Theory by Prof. Johan Galtung

Peace Econonics by Prof. Johan Galtung

Education for Peace by Dr. H.B. Danesh

Principles of peace-based leadershp and governance by Dr. H.B. Danesh

Nonviolence by Prof. Jørgen Johansen

Methods of Analysis & Research for Peace by Prof. Alberto l'Abate

The Crisis of Democracy and Capitalism: From the Arab Spring to China's Bloggers to Occupy Wall Street by Prof. Paul Scott

All online course are designed for fully-employed participants and students who want to broaden their expertise additionally to their professional work combining autonomous work, exchange with participants from all over the world and constant feedback from highly experienced course instructors.

To enrol visit Transcend Peace Universities website.