An Interesting "New Year's Resolution"

Multiracial Hands Making a Circle

“The Education for Peace Integrative Curriculum is designed on the premise that the over-riding prerequisite for peace is the consciousness of the oneness of humanity within the operation of a unity-based worldview. Not until we realise that we are all members of one family of humanity and that our welfare or ill-health is inseparable, will we become fully commited to and effectively involved in the cause of peace. It is in this context that the other generally identified prerequisites of peace such as respect for human rights, the presence of democratic governance and the rule of law, environments conducive to healing from the impact of conflict and violence, and skills for violence-free conflict resolution and peace-keeping become realistically achievable.”

From : pages 82-83

Let us have a new  “New Year Resolution”: to become truly conscious of the oneness of humanity. And it is in this spirit that we wish to salute all peoples and organizations that are working for the cause of peace through their regular activities, conferences, courses, workshops, etc. Among them are:

The 2nd Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony (CPSH 2012)
Shanghai, China, April 13 to 15, 2012  Contact:

Excellence in Education Conference

Israel Centre for Excellence, Jerusalem, July 9-12, 2012

Contact: Prof. Dr. Taisir Subhi Yamin

Cultural Sustainability, Social Cohesion and Global Education Conference

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 2013

Contact: Prof. Dr.  Zvi Bekerman

36th Association for Baha’i Studies Annual Conference
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 9-12, 2012


World Peace Academy, Swiss Centre For Peace Studies|
Basel, Switzerland

National Peace Academy (Education, Research, Practice, Policy)

Shelburne, VT, USA


Balkans Peace Park Project Committee UK

Contact: Antonia Young:

Service and Research Institute on Family and Children

Chennai, India

Contact: Dr. Catherin Bernard,